Zur antientzündlichen Wirksamkeit von Arzneimitteln aus der Teufelskralle | Uniklinik Freiburg
Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Teufelskralle
bei Osteoarthritis | Ars Medici - Christoph Bachmann
Devil's claw | PennState Hershey Medical Center
Devils' claw | St. David's Rehabilitation
Treatment of osteoarthritic pain with herbal drugs | University of Heidelberg
Effects of Harpagophytum procumbens LI 174 (devil's claw) on sensory, motor und vascular muscle reagibility in the treatment of unspecific
back pain | Schmerzklinik Kiel
Efficacy and tolerance of Harpagophytum extract LI 174 in patients with chronic non-radicular back pain | Zentrum für ganzheitliche
Medizin Leipzig
Effectiveness and safety of Devil's Claw tablets in patients with general rheumatic disorders | School of Health Sciences, Queen
Margaret University, Edinburgh